Diversify Your Link Building for Huge Internet Traffic

In recent years link building has been the recommended way to push your website higher in the search engine rankings. The higher your site is positioned the better traffic you will receive as a result.

There was a time when one could create a website and do nothing more. Visitors would somehow find it and things were very easy. Those days are now long gone and you will not have a business unless you put in the time and effort. There are a number of tasks involved in internet marketing. One of them is link building and it will do wonders for traffic generation.
There is a famous saying "Don't put all your eggs in one basket". This same saying holds true when it comes to internet marketing and link building. There are various websites out there which may be of interest to us. Take for example YouTube the famous video hosting site. We can create a video related to our niche and load it up onto YouTube. We then add a description and a link back to our site. If our video is of interest we may get many visitors as a result.
It would be very easy to sit back and say I am going to get all my traffic from YouTube. After all, this is a worthy site in Google's eyes to place your link.
To think that YouTube alone will propel our business and traffic into the big time is very foolish. It may do for some, but in general it is better to diversify your link building.
How can we diversify our link building?
If you have a blog do a search for related blogs in your niche. Many of them will allow you to leave a comment on a post that may be of interest. At that point you can also leave your link. Make sure you add value to the conversation thread and not simply spam it with something that makes little sense.
Bookmarking is another way of building links. These have high page rank in the eyes of Google and are certainly worth placing your link on. Sign up to sites such as StumbleUpon, Delicious and Reddit. Add your bookmark with your link. This could be for things such as the latest article you have written or a web page or post.
Facebook is a very good site to place your link on. You can comment on another person's post and leave your link or set up your own fan page.
Writing articles should be in the arsenal of every internet marketer. If you write a 500 plus word article and upload it to the article sites this is seen as very good link building by Google. Don't just write any old garbage however. Create good content which the reader will find of interest and value. Article sites have the advantage of syndicating your content elsewhere so your link could end up in many other places. The result will be more traffic for you. The best site to send your article to in the eyes of Google is EzineArticles.
One thing you should avoid doing is sending your article to thousands of article sites. Most of them are of low quality and although you will get a backlink it may be seen as spamming. Stick to the main article directories of which there are about four.
Try to avoid adding your link to sites which have nothing to do with your subject material. For example there are some services that offer to create backlinks on places such as education and government sites. These are seen as worthwhile sites by Google, but you may find your links get removed at some point if they are seen as having no relevance to the site.
If your site is about losing weight do not go adding your link to a site about vintage cars. The site owner will remove your link and you will have wasted time and effort. If your site is about losing weight then look for diet or health related sites as these are more likely to welcome your link. The result is that you will be getting targeted traffic which is the best type of traffic there is.
Do you create tutorials? If so then there are many tutorial sites that allow you to add your blog post tutorial or even a video tutorial. You can add a link back to your site at the tutorial sites.
Some sites may insist that you add their link to your site in exchange for them adding your link. This is known as link exchange. You will need to think carefully about this as some sites insist that their link is shown on your home page. If you are particular about the design of your site then you may not want this. If possible create a separate web page that can be used for holding the links of other sites.
Backlinking is a powerful technique that can gain your site authority as it moves higher up the search engine rankings. Build your backlinks carefully and you will be rewarded with good traffic.

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