How to Leverage Most Traffic Websites for Traffic Generation

If you're looking to get traffic to your websites, you've probably discovered that it isn't an easy feat. Not at first anyways. One of the best strategies to get traffic is to redirect visitors from most traffic websites.
Most traffic websites are the websites that get the most visitors on a daily basis, like YouTube or Google. By using social sharing websites where you can upload your own content (such as YouTube) you can redirect visitors from most traffic websites to your homepage.
The first type of most traffic websites that you can use to build traffic back to your site is Video Sharing websites. These are sites like YouTube, Hulu, and Vimeo where anybody can upload video to be viewed by the masses. By using proper strategies to film good quality videos, and make sure that you get plenty of views, traffic will flow back to your site in no time. If that sounds daunting, don't worry, it's all explained in Kim Roach's Traffic Dashboard.
The second type of sharing sites is document sharing sites. On these sites, users upload.doc or.pdf files so they can share plain-text content with anybody who wishes to see it. One example of a site like this is Scribd, probably the most popular document sharing site. Try writing an article or short report in your word processor, saving it as a file, and uploading to Scribd. It's literally that easy. Of course, we'll need to tweak the process a bit to make sure we drive traffic back to your homepage, but in essence it is that simple.
Two other types of most traffic websites are Social Networking sites and Social Bookmarking sites. Social Networking sites are places like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Social Bookmarking on the other hand, is where users can share their favorite websites. These are sites like StumbleUpon, Digg, or Delicious.

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