Free, Targeted Website Advertising and Traffic

Free, Targeted Website Advertising and Traffic
Author: aridseas
In this article I'm going to instruct you a handful of ways I've discovered over the years to obtain free, targeted website traffic (so no autosurfs or other junk, ineffective traffic). It's all totally free, a couple of sites have paid solutions that I give here and I've had good results with all.

Search Engine Optimization is simply the craft of obtaining on the front page for a certain keyword. Until you grow your page rank and backlinks, it may be challenging to obtain high rankings on top ranking keywords; so you're going to want to concentrate on lower level keywords (in some cases questions, like 'How to get free site visitors to your web page) is recommended. Becoming on the front page of a keyword with over 40 million results usually brings you around a thousand unique visits a day. Search engine optimization is the most affordable way to get totally free traffic, and I'd say, certainly the best.

Free Expert SEO Panel (Reports/Sitemaps/Submissions/Crawlers/Generators)
Expert Search Engine Optimization Tutorial
 Metatag Tutorial
 Google Webmaster Tools
 Bing Webmaster Tools

Plugboards can sometimes provide a strong stream of traffic but it is often modest and dicey but targeted. Here are a few good plugboards that have high exposure

Arid Plug
Plug It!
 Arid Seas Create - Plugboard List

Article Submission is a great way to get totally free traffic by advertising the content on your website. You can get hundreds if not thousands of hits from backlinks on article submission sites. These sites are like SEO juice; quality backlinks from excellent sites. If you get just one of these websites to submit your article, you will be on the front page of the web page for a day which will deliver you several hundred unique hits.

Good Tutorials
Photoshop Lover
Photoshop Road Map
 Pixel 2 Life
 List of free Article Submission Sites

Commenting on blogs and websites (especially related to yours) will probably get a unique hit for every comment (by the owner) but remember not to be spammy, and only leave your site in the specific URL bar. It is rare that you'll have too much success on long term and targeted traffic but if anything, it will boost your coverage on the web and more people will know about you.
Link Exchanges are where you agree to link to one site in exchange for a link to your site. On the smaller website niches, these are often called affiliates. They do build backlinks but they aren't one way backlinks and can actually hurt your search rankings. All in all, it gets your name out there but don't deliver amazing amounts of traffic, generally just fellow web masters looking for more link exchanges.

There you have it! I'm constantly updating this list just to make it more informative -- feel free to suggest more to us any time, using the contact forms.
You can find more such tutorials at  Arid Seas .

Link Referral & Clones; If you're on the first of the categories on one of these websites, you will receive 15-45 unique visits a day; they are usually targeted, but the quantity of hits you obtain isn't the emphasize. You can get good quality reviews on your website, so if people really can't see the text on your website because of your tiny font size, you'll find out about it very fast.

Link Referral
Ad Gridwork
Traffic Swarm

Paid ads with totally free options. These solutions offer paid add but have trials or a free plan to go with them. I'm an devoted user of most of these services; they have all produced awesome results.

 US Freed Ads
 Free Traffic System

Topsites are certainly not really the ideal way to get your site targeted visitors but they do get you some visitors while ranking you against your rivals, getting reviewed, and getting visitor stats. Best of all, it's free and they don't disclose your visitors information.

You can find this tutorials and others like it at, such as ones about SEO, photoshop, coding, and you can find webmaster resources, such as photoshop brushes

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